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Staying ENGAGED at Work

The typical employee feels disengaged or bored with their work for about 10.5 hours per week. However, it is possible to stay sharp and engaged in nearly any job. The first steps happen the night before. They should make sure they get at least seven to nine hours of sleep.

Look at the commute as an opportunity to jump start the day. Mentally review your work for the day, noting the task that you will start first. Then, let go of work for a while and inject creativity with a podcast or audio book.

At the office, take a good look at the work space and consider adding more ergonomic seating, better lighting, or even a plant to make the environment more comfortable and engaging.

Not feeling challenged can also be a significant roadblock to staying engaged at work. Talk to the manager to see if there is room for an extra creative project or maybe time for skill enhancement.

Article provided by Bluegreen Carpet & Tile Cleaning in Elm Grove

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