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Preventing Homework Headaches

Spring fever can affect people in many different ways, but for children of school age, it can mean more difficulty in completing homework each day. You may find yourself needing to help your child more than before with homework, but it is important for children to learn how to complete this work independently. Here are some tips to help ease the difficulty for both you and your child.

  • Take care of your child’s physical needs first. Offer a healthy snack and an opportunity for some physical activity before settling down to tackle homework.
  • A regular schedule for homework will be beneficial, as your child will know what to expect and will not be tempted to put it off. Set a regular schedule and plan on sticking to it.
  • Make sure your child has all of the materials and supplies he or she needs to complete each assignment. You may want to set up a designated area in your home in which to do homework, with plenty of school supplies, pens, pencils, paper, and other necessary items.
  • Offer an incentive if your child is struggling to complete daily assignments. You may wish to have a sticker chart to track progress, with an outing or prize at the end of week given for a full week of completion.
  • Finally, plan on taking breaks during homework time if your child is not able to concentrate for long periods of time. A kitchen timer will let your child know when to start homework and how long breaks will last.

Article provided by Bluegreen Carpet & Tile Cleaning in Elm Grove

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