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Using Salvage Groceries to Help a Food Budget

There are many ways to save money on the food bill, but according to Lifehacker, salvage grocery stores are a great way to find incredible deals on a random assortment of products. These stores, sometimes called grocery outlets, may offer savings of 50 percent or more as compared to a traditional grocer because they are often selling food that other stores are trying to get rid of for one reason or another.

If a grocery store orders too much food, damages the packaging or has out-of-season inventory, then they will sometimes move it to these secondary stores to open up space for new items. Manufacturers themselves can even bring products that have gone through a packaging change or re-brand to avoid having them in major retailers. Many larger cities will have at least one of these places available to supplement a traditional grocery budget.

Article provided by Bluegreen Carpet & Tile Cleaning in Waukesha

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