Your Location: Milwaukee (414) 944-0859

Green Carpet Cleaning Advantages

On request, Bluegreen can provide a green carpet cleaning at no extra charge. In our green carpet cleaning system, Bluegreen uses Green Guard, the first EPA DfE approved carpet and upholstery protector.

Green Guard is formulated to ensure that ingredients contain no components that pose serious hazards. This is beneficial to children and pets who can be sensitive to many of the chemicals in some cleaning products.

Why Use Green Carpet Cleaning?

Using our system can extend the life of your fabric and surfaces. Green Guard is an encapsulation product that will help your carpets keep a “like new” look. Benefits include:

– Anti-Stain Properties
– Anti-Soiling Properties
– Limiting of Wicking
– Alkalinity Neutralization
– Prevention of Browning or Yellowing

Green Guard allows busy traffic lanes to stay cleaner longer. It also protects against spills, spots and stains, all without hazardous chemicals that can bother your children or pets. It is fragrance free, biodegradable, phosphate free and contains no VOC’s. VOC’s are volatile organic compounds and can be harmful to your health.

How Does Green Carpet Cleaning Work?

We recommend applying green guard after each “extraction cleaning” to maintain fabric cleanliness. “Extraction cleaning” is the process of spraying a carpet with very hot water while vacuuming up the water and any dirt that’s freed up along with it. Often, chemicals are mixed in with the water to help dislodge any dirt stuck in the carpet.

When using Green Guard, you get the same cleaning power as chemicals, without the risks.

For more information about Green Guard, head to the Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information on carpet cleaning services, check out Bluegreen’s residential carpet cleaning or commercial carpet cleaning information.

Article provided by Bluegreen Carpet and Tile Cleaning in Madison

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